Our products and services are designed for organizations that want to work independently or seek assistance from Licensed Professionals. There are two designations (ROES, COES) available to Licensed Professionals that work internally with an organization as an employee or externally with a number of organizations as a consultant. They are trained and supported to use the turnkey toolkit that is designed to make improvement more simple, straightforward, time efficient and cost effective. The toolkit includes: publication, scenario game, automated assessment and reporting tool, holistic and modular workshops, global index and train-the-trainer program.
The Organizational Excellence Framework publication defines and provides implementation guidelines for best management practices in the areas of: governance, leadership, planning, customers, employees, work processes, suppliers and partners, resource management, continuous improvement and performance measurement. Appendices in the publication provide a wealth of information too. There is a comparison of the OEF to leading global excellence models, detailed definitions of the principles related to a culture of excellence, and the self-assessment and improvement planning methodology that we use.
To date, the publication has been downloaded by professionals in over 70 countries.
Please click on a tab below to read more about our services.
- Assessments
- Assessments
- Workshops
- Train-the-Trainer Program
- Pricing
Three assessments are available through a Licensed Professional:
- ‘Teaser Assessment’ – allows any number of employees in the organization to participate in a self-assessment against 9 principles that depict a culture committed to excellence. The assessment takes 5 minutes to complete. A brief feedback report is available that shares the assessment ratings and highlights the direct relationships with the best management practices.
- ‘Full Assessment’ – allows any number of employees in the organization to participate in a self-assessment against the principles and best management practices common to high performing organizations. The assessment takes between 20 and 40 minutes to complete depending on organization size. Brief and detailed feedback reports are available. The brief report provides a snapshot of the ratings and highlights strengths and opportunities for improvement. The detailed report shares assessment ratings, open-ended comments and an action-oriented improvement plan to address gaps.
- ‘Third-Party Full Assessment’ – provides an independent and objective assessment and delivers a Certificate of Completion and detailed feedback report. Upon request, the detailed feedback report can be further augmented with analysis, recommendations and best-in-class examples.
The automated assessment and reporting tool is being used to do the 'first global assessment on the current state of organizational excellence' https://organizationalexcellencespecialists.ca/workshops-events/global-oe-index/ . Any size or type of organization may participate in the research study and compare their confidential results to the aggregate results for others by organization size, industry sector and region (country). Links to the Teaser and Full Assessment are available on this webpage.
A range of workshops are delivered by Licensed Professionals. These workshops include:
- Short Presentation - for organizations that wish to learn more about the OEF
- Scenario Game - for organizations that wish to examine their current state of organizational excellence and discuss how to achieve their desired future state
- OEF 1000 Workshop - for micro or larger size organizations that wish to implement the OEF using a holistic approach
- OEF 1001-1009 Workshops - for organizations that wish to focus on a specific key management area using a modular approach. These workshops provide more detail on the practices and implementation guidelines: Governance, Leadership, Planning, Customers, Employees, Work Processes, Suppliers and Partners, Resource Management, Continuous Improvement and Performance Measurement
To date, workshops have been delivered to professionals in over 20 countries. The overall workshop satisfaction rating is currently 93%.
The workshops are available in three formats including: in-person, online interactive, learner management system.
Should an organization wish to use the workshop series as a professional development program for their employees or members, a portal can be created and customized accordingly.
For professionals that wish to become licensed to deliver products and services on behalf of OES and for organizations that wish to develop their own internal resources and training programs. There are two streams at OES for licensed practitioners: ‘Registered Organizational Excellence Specialist’ (ROES) conduct assessments and deliver the OEF 1000 Workshop and ‘Certified Organizational Excellence Specialist’ (COES) conduct assessments and deliver the OEF 1001-1009 Workshops and Train-the-Trainer program. The OPPORTUNITY FOR PROFESSIONALS document describes the intent of the toolkit, professional streams, pricing and benefits. The License Agreement is available upon request.
Our products and services are delivered by Licensed Professionals according to their own per diem rate (fees) and out-of-pocket costs. The following checklist is used to calculate the cost of a workshop: facilitator per diem, participant handouts, venue and equipment, refreshment breaks, travel. Participant handouts for all workshops include the: OEF publication, self-assessment materials, presentation slides and evaluation form. The following document describes FIXED-PRICE PACKAGES. These packages offer a high impact engagement and provide the organization with an opportunity to: train employees, conduct an assessment, develop an action-oriented improvement plan to address gaps and receive assistance with implementation. Should your organization wish to design a custom program, we would be pleased to speak with you and provide a proposal that includes the estimated cost.