These resources and partners add value for our licensed professionals and client organizations.

LinkedIn Business page that shares details about the company, relevant announcements and encourages both professionals and organizations to embrace excellence.
LinkedIn group that shares valuable research, announcements and news on the topic of organizational excellence.
Facebook page to keep current on activities and participate in the conversation.
YouTube channel to listen to the Excellence Connection Podcast and presentations with subject matter experts.
Eventbrite site to explore the annual Calendar of Events and engage in learning opportunities such as facilitated workshops, webinars and excellence circles.
Learner Management System to read important research studies, consider answers to frequently asked questions and participate in self-paced recorded workshops.
On this website, be sure to: Download the Organizational Excellence Framework publication that defines Principles and Practices common to high performing organizations and shares implementation guidelines for the user; Check out the Global OE Index to see how your organization measures up and compares with others; Read issues of the QOR Newsletter that has articles, announcements and success stories; Enjoy the Blog with short articles on topics of interest.
GBN is a global network of organizations and experts focused on promoting and facilitating the use of benchmarking and sharing of best practices. Benchmarking, learning from the experience of others, is a powerful method for breakthrough thinking, innovation, improvement and for delivering exceptional bottom-line results. It is one of the most popular and effective tools used for organizational success.
BPIR is a leading internet-based benchmarking and best practice information and networking service for improvement-focused individuals and organizations. The BPIR contains 1,000’s of benchmarks, performance measures, best practice case studies, and provides over a 1,000,000 articles on the theme of performance improvement across all functional areas, industries and covering most countries. Members communicate with each other on-line, share benchmarks and best practices, participate in discussion forums and develop new business opportunities.
Flevy is an online marketplace for premium business documents. Resource materials are available for interested professionals at this link . Dawn Ringrose, Principal of Organizational Excellence Specialists, has worked collaboratively with and designed a unique program for the Flevy Executive Learning Program entitled Organizational Excellence Defined. Learn about the program at and register at
Organizational Excellence Technical Committee, American Society of Quality (OETC) supports and promotes the use of international excellence models to help all organizations attain higher levels of performance. Goals of this global committee are to: promote the use of international, national and local excellence programs, contribute to a body of knowledge about excellence models, share case studies and success stories about performance excellence, explain how traditional quality methods and tools integrate with excellence models, and facilitate opportunities for people and organizations to connect, share, grow and learn from each other. Dawn Ringrose, Principal of Organizational Excellence Specialists, represents Canada on the OETC.
SimplifyISO is dedicated to making ISO registration painless and possible. Services include training, auditing and managing documents and educating via a free webinar series. Affiliated with the company is the new International Management System Institute that provides certification for professionals that wish to work in the ISO field.
The ISCM Foundation is a charity organization dedicated to social and economic development of developing countries. It is structured for success with three entities that focus on supporting projects (ISCM Foundation), providing funding (ISCM Investments) and offering educational services (Centre for Business Excellence). There is an effective system of governance in place that includes the ISCM Foundation Board and international legal and policy advisors of reputable firms that secure the agendas of the government projects. The ISCM Foundation Board provides supervisory board services over each local operating board unit. The Train-the-Trainer program at Organizational Excellence Specialists has been selected for use in the Centre for Business Excellence. Licensed Professionals with the COES designation deliver the program to suitably qualified local professionals so they can strengthen the local business community. Dawn Ringrose and Nancy Nouaimeh serve on the Board of the ISCM Foundation.
Qimpro Foundation recognizes role-model quality leaders that are catalyzing quality and excellence practice in business, education, healthcare and environment. These leaders are carefully vetted and recognized as Qimpro Certified Qualitists. Dawn Ringrose has been honoured with a Level 3 badge.

TOPPI TI provides business intelligence tools that allow performance oriented organizations to monitor and improve performance. Based on the core principles of Lean and Six Sigma, the tools help to engage employees in problem solving, measure performance in real time and develop a feedback-oriented work culture. This way of working makes a positive contribution to communication, accountability, productivity and innovation. TOPP TI is supported by a seasoned team of professionals equipped to provide support to organizations embracing digital transformation.
MacKay CEO Forums has a vision to populate the world with better leaders. Toward this end, the forum accelerates performance through high impact and time efficient peer group sessions for CEOs, executives and business owners and hosts the Edge Program that includes breakfasts and summits. Dawn Ringrose, Principal of Organizational Excellence Specialists, has been selected as a Speaker for the forum.