Latest Past Events

OEF 1006 – Work Processes (MST)

OEF 1006 - Work Processes focuses on defining and implementing 10 solid work process practices, including: designing, documenting, and managing work processes, analyzing and improving work processes, taking corrective action when problems occur, preventing recurrence of problems by making changes to work processes, and using benchmarking to evaluate performance. Learn more and register at Eventbrite […]


OEF 1000 (GST)

OEF 1000 – Organizational Excellence Framework Workshop is a holistic session that provides an overview of the global research that validates the positive relationship between excellence models and organizational performance, an overview of the OEF publication, an understanding of how the OEF can be applied to any size or type of organization and an opportunity […]


OEF 1000 (MST)

OEF 1000 – Organizational Excellence Framework Workshop is a holistic session that provides an overview of the global research that validates the positive relationship between excellence models and organizational performance, an overview of the OEF publication, an understanding of how the OEF can be applied to any size or type of organization and an opportunity […]

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