Associate Professor at Department of Industrial Engineering, CES 4.0 Initiative, Faculty of Engineering, University of Talca, Chile
His major research interests are on problems that arise at the interface of climate change and sustainability, such as, sustainable and resilience supply chain and logistics, supply chain analytics, sustainable operations management, smart city, circular economy to name a few. Current research of Dr. Santibanez-Gonzalez is characterized by integrating mathematical models, big-data, and internet technology to understand and model how climate change and sustainability strategies will impact the society, and the performance of companies and organizations.
He is serving as Associate Editor of Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (Springer), International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management (Emerald), Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications (Emerald, new journal), International Journal of Big Data Mining for Global Warming, and Heliyon Business and Economics (Elsevier). He is also Editor-in-Chief of Sustainable Operations and Computers, a new journal sponsored by Chinese Academy of Science and Elsevier.