Currently an international consultant in business excellence and benchmarking at Dubai Police Headquarters.
Dr. Román has a PhD in Management from Lleida University (Spain) and is a Mechanical Engineer with an MBA from Northeastern State University in Tulsa, Oklahoma (United States). His areas of expertise focus on the application of quality improvement to business in service and products such as benchmarking for best practices, lean management and business excellence frameworks as well as serving as an author and keynote speaker.
In his current position, Dr. Román is: Member of the Scientific Council at Dubai Police, Member of International Advisory Board - Policing Insight Magazine, Judge on the Board of The International Best Practice Competition, Editorial Review Board at the Quality Management Forum (ASQ), Editorial Board of the International Journal of Excellence in Government, International Examiner for the Baldrige Training Program, Judge on the Board of the Global Performance Excellence Award (APQO) and Steering Committee Member on the Organizational Excellence Technical Committee (ASQ) and Subject Matter Expert for the Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance.